Ciocconews del buonumore

Ciocconews of good humor

In the harsh month of January, characterized by the coldest days of the year, many of us resort to drinks such as hot chocolate to protect ourselves from low temperatures, to take a break from the ski slopes or more simply to treat ourselves to a winter cuddle (you have already tried Espresso Haiti for a thick and aromatic cup of chocolate?).

However, cocoa also arrives in our homes in the form of chocolates brought by the Befana to the children on the morning of January 6th or in the form of sweets for the New Year's Eve dinner or lunch.

The undisputed protagonist of this month is therefore cocoa, a food that has remote roots and which owes its fortune not only to its flavor but also to its characteristics. It is in fact considered a natural antidepressant because, thanks to its beneficial properties for the psyche and the body, it promotes the release of endorphins and the production of serotonin, increasing good mood and reducing stress.

So let's find out a little more about its history and some curious recipes for using it in a completely unusual and original way, read also "On the cocoa route" and "Cocoa in savory recipes in Italy and around the world".
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